Latest Episodes

August 15, 2023
Big Projects Are Made Up of Thousands of Small Pieces
How can I sort through all of them and get them in the right order? Over the past several weeks we’ve discussed the importance...

August 08, 2023
Clarity of the Plan is Key to Knowing What to do and How to do it
How an operating system can help your construction company navigate the business fog.It takes thousands of pieces to construct a building. If these pieces...

July 31, 2023
What Should be Included in Your Company’s Standard Operating Procedure?
Like everything else in your business, the answer to that question is up to you. This week we'll be taking a closer look at...

July 25, 2023
How Can I Prepare a Standard Operating System for My Company?
Why building a successful construction business requires having a plan. Over the past few weeks, we’ve discussed how building your business is critical to...

July 19, 2023
The Time Spent on Clear Communication is Worth Every Second
So, if it’s worth it…why is it not done? You probably guessed it already; this week’s topic is COMMUNICATION and the all-too-common lack of...

July 11, 2023
How Can I Determine Which Thing on the List Should Be Done First?
It’s amazing how things become clear with a limited amount of time. What is productivity? Now there’s a question for you to answer. We...